

If I spoke Spanish, which I don't, and I said "Pooh-toes" to too loud in the wrong place - I may just get beat up and have my lunch money stolen.

Robyn dressed Jaxson in an outfit this evening that has Winnie the Pooh footsies, and her only comment was, "Hey, look, Jaxson has Pooh-Toes!" Since I am purely gringo, the joke went right past me. It took me about 4-hours and suddenly..."Oh, I get it Pooh-toes."

If you don't get the joke either, don't feel bad. Go ask your local friendly Spanish speaking friend what it means, and they will explain it to you.


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. I told Jacob this story and it completely went over his head aswell. Pooh-toes!!!
that is hilarious.
It took him longer to fingure it out. I had to explain it to him and then he didn't even know what "pooh-toes" meant. That's Jacob for ya.