Gripe Water is "Holy Water"

It is amazing what a tiny amount of "medicine" can do for a kiddo.

For the last two-and-a-half weeks, Jaxson has been upset. Robyn and I could not figure out what it was. We tried EVERYTHING we could think of. We rocked, we bathed, we fed, we burped, we drove in the car, we went for walks, we came him Mylicon, we even tried spinning him on his head. Not really, but we were spent. We did not want to admit that the little bambino may have a form of colic; but, exhaustion had set in and we were both about to lose it.

And happened. We remembered someone mentioned Gripe Water to us. So, Sunday night we drive across town to Whole Foods, they were out. Gripe Water is a natural supplement, this is not something you find at a local corner gas station. So, frustrated we begin the trek back to the house. We make a few phone calls, and finally we find some...and God bless the person that invented this "Holy Water."

Not sure why or how it works, but it is like magic. Jaxson has returned to his sweet smiling face and playful mannerisms.