Let Them Be Free So They Can Grow

Parenting is an ongoing internal battle. You must balance what to teach kids and what they need to learn for themselves so they can grow confidence and learn through life experiences. No parent is perfect and we are all constantly reminding ourselves that we must let them grow.

On this note, I just finished reading Free-Range Kids by Lenore Skenazy and I highly recommend to all parents, grandparents, teachers, care-takers, and also to those without children. It is an eye opening book that compares how past generations have been brought up and how we have managed to turn into a worry driven society that has slowly taken away kids freedom.

What if he gets hurt? What if they get in trouble? What if, what if, what if...

This book showed be I was doing many things in the same manner as the author that are good for my kids; but, also made me realize I could do much more to help my kids become more independent and more confident - let them become them. With independence comes self gratitude, self esteem, and self confidence. These can not be taught.

Some of authors actions are extreme, but she is trying to make a point. Let your kids make mistakes in order to learn. Independent play and play with other kids will not only inspire creativity but will set a foundation for them to be independent and leaders.

Let kids be kids.