Bathtime Can Be Brutal

Let me set the scene.

Jaxson and Robyn are enjoying bath time, minding their own business and scrubbing all the necessary parts. A giggle here, a giggle there - all fun and games.

Then the playroom bully, Vinny "The Curious" George wonders into the bathroom. He starts interrupting, asking too many questions, just making himself an unwelcome guest. Now, if you know Jaxson, you know he is a very well mannered, low-key individual; until you ruffle his diaper trimmings - then he just gets plain irate.

Water and bath-toys started flying, Robyn started crying hysterically, Jaxson was screaming obscenities and speaking in foreign tongues. All Mr. George could manner to mumble in the haste was a mercy cry of "uncle," so Jaxson let up. When the dust cleared, it was evident that Jaxson had lost his cool and snapped.

The doctor says that the arm should be reattached and in full working order with some physical therapy.

Let's all hope the best for Mr. George


Anonymous said...

Maybe he's angry that he's still sitting in a blue plastic pail rather than enjoying the endless space of the full bathtub. Hey, Jax. Yell just like Braveheart: "Freeeeeeeeeedom!"

The Sutherlands said...

That's a way to give it to him,Jax!!!Show 'em who's boss!! That was hysterical! Hey, sorry for the annoyance... I guess I have to remember pay back is hell!!! Love you all! Happy New YEAR!!!!