Duo At The Doctor

Two kids, one doctor, two parents, 3 shots - makes for an exciting visit. All in all, good news. Both kiddos are healthy, stats as follows:

Height: 28" (85 percentile range)
Weight: 18 lbs. 15 oz. (75 percentile range)
Side Notes: Double ear infection, although she did really well in not complaining to us about this - never said a word. Now we know why she has been extra cranky the last few days.

Height: 39-3/4" (95 percentile range)
Weight: 39.6 lbs (95 percentile range)
Side Notes: No outstanding issues, which is great news considering the last few weeks of sickness. However, I think the doctor has a crush on my little buddy.


The Momma said...

and crack kills...