Save It For Our Kid's Kids

This post wonders off the beaten blog-path for Crayons and Keyboards, but I thought it was very important and noteworthy.

The new shift towards saving energy and conserving for future generations is all around us, and now you can even help the environment when searching for something on the Internet.

Google has researched and discovered that to run a computer screen that is mostly black takes less energy than to run a white screen. If you think about it, it makes sense.

To learn more about it click here. Cool part, you can see how much energy is being saved each time you logg on.

So help the little ones that we all love and save some energy and use this as your home page.

Happy Conserving.


Unknown said...

We tested Blackle using a watt meter and an LCD Monitor and found that it actually used more power than google does. Please see the video at:

If you want to save the planet, don't use blackle.