Typical Mechanic

Visiting the family in New Braunfels this weekend, the little guys had some car trouble with their race car. It seems Jaxson is playing the lead mechanic in this scenario. I have a feeling the conversation went something like this:

Cody: Well sir, the darn thing won't go forward anymore. I push the little red button like the grown-ups say, and it just sits here and spins the tires.

Jaxson: Mmmmm. Okay.

Cody: What do you suggest I do?

Jaxson: Initially looking at it. It seems you have a vertical barrier issue.

Cody: I don't speak mechanic, could you please say it in my terms.

Jaxson: You have a wall in front of you. Turn around and go the other way. I have a feeling that will work.

Cody: Okay, how much do I owe your for your time?

Jaxson: Six animal crackers, a sippy-cup of apple juice, and a box of raisins. And a good sweeping of the porch please.

Cody: Man, labor gets me every time.