Wii Are Family

I'm in trouble, I think.

Tonight I had a revelation. My kid is a freaking genius. He copies my movements and actions, he knows what we are saying when we talk to him, and he is smarter than the average bear.

Examples, from just tonight, that support my fear.

Exhibit A: A couple of screws came loose on our computer desk, so I went and got my handy Phillips screwdriver from the kitchen, came back to our room, and proceeded to tighten the screws on the bottom side of the desk. I casually sat the screwdriver down, turned my back; when I turned back around Jaxson was under the computer desk trying to tighten the rest of the screws.

Possible future engineer or possible future handyman??

Exhibit B: As I was typing the intro to this blog entry, Robyn said, and I quote, "Jaxson, go get me your cup so we can get you some milk so you can go to bed." What does the Bambino do?? He walks over, picks up his cup and takes it to Robyn.

Yet again, he knows what we are saying. Scary.

Exhibit C: We got a Nintendo Wii for Christmas. Yes, two grown adults with a child got a video game system for Christmas. (Everyone should get one by the way, they are freaking great). On the Wii there is a bowling game, and we tend to get a few frames in a few times a week while the kid watches. That leads me to the final exhibit...watch and be amazed.

Possible future athlete or possible future "gaming geek."

It really is humbling and amazing when you watch your children grow, and the amount of physical and emotional changes that occur week-to-week. Every kid eventually becomes an adult, but the transformation is one that will always be a wonder.

So, from now on, I really do need to watch what I say because the 7 Sacred Words that I all to often say, will soon be coming out of someone's mouth that should not be talking like George Carlin.


Anonymous said...

I love his mechanics...he has great form. Funny thing about it is when he was done swinging, he turns to Corey as if he was asking, "Like that dad?"

Jennjilla said...

Looks like he can give his momma a run for her money in form and skillz!!

You should try and get some video of that!! :)

It is scary what they can do, pick up, etc. I'm going to have to watch my sailor mouth big time.

Anonymous said...

I'm expecting that Jax will show Beckett how to swing for the pins tomorrow night while we're over.

Brilliant video. Scary. In a wonderful way!