America's Past Time Gets One More Fan

Boys and baseball go hand-in-hand. All little boys hope that when they grow up, they will be a professional baseball player. And all grown men, wish they could be little just one more time so they could suit up the cleats and walk across the chalk line one more time and take one more swing.

Baseball is a passion of mine. I love the feel of walking out of the tunnel into the stands for the first time each baseball season. The smell of the grass, the crack of batting practice, kids playing catch in the parking lot, and the roar of the crowd as the team runs onto the field for the first time. I love it all.

Being able to pass on my passion for the greatest game ever played to my son is a dream of mine. The day that Jaxson and I can step outside and play catch for the first time will be a moment in time that I will want to freeze. There is more to the game than the sport of baseball itself. The game teaches you patience, leadership qualities, teaches you to be quick on your feet, and most of all - you learn how to win and lose in the game of life with dignity.

On Saturday, the family went down to The Ballpark in Arlington to pick up our fist set of Ranger's tickets for the upcoming 2007 season. The day started out with Jaxson stepping into his first baseball jersey (he isn't allowed to wear the actual Ranger's jersey until the season begins). In May, my beloved Ranger's will take on the Red Sox of Boston; however, the stakes are extra special this year. Jaxson's friend Beckett and his mom and dad will join us for our first of many dual family outings to the (newly re-named) Ballpark to watch our Ranger's take on their Red Sox.

Play Ball.